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Welcome to RESGEN’s Giving Life Podcast:

Conversations about being a man whose life in Christ gives life to others. 

Giving life – it’s the mission that Jesus came to fulfill and that we, as men, need to embrace as well…at work, at home and in our communities. In our marriages, our parenting and in each relationship we have. We invite you to stop by and listen in on the conversation between Tom and some friends as they chat, laugh and explore ways for each of us to “Give Life” wherever we are.

The Giving Life podcast is available on all your favorite platforms like Apple podcasts, Spotify, Google podcasts, Stitcher and more. Just search for RESGEN or visit Buzzsprout to find and subscribe to the podcast on whichever platform you prefer to receive your content! 


  1. January 13, 2022

    Tom and Dennis discuss changes in college students over the last 30 years and about what he learned about himself, the Church and the Lord as he journeyed through his experience with divorce.

  2. December 30, 2021

    Tom and Coach Young talk about his passion for helping the men he coached get wins both on and off the football field and how his faith helped him as he grieved the loss of his wife of over 50 years.

  3. December 16, 2021

    Tom and David discuss the restoration that took place his life, both with God and with others, and why “Whatever it takes” is one of the most scary, but important, things we can say to God.

  4. December 2, 2021

    Tom and Walt discuss this ever-changing culture and the impact it is having on teens and families. Topics discussed include managing screen time and the rise of anxiety in teens.

  5. November 18, 2021

    Tom and Rich discuss what we may not understand about poverty and some simple steps we can take as men, that will help restore our community, and give life to those in poverty.

  6. November 3, 2021

    Rob and Tom talk about friendship – both with God and with others. They also talk about the importance of living a reflective life and why being in community is crucial for all of us.

  7. October 21, 2021

    Rob and Tom talk about mentorship – what it is and what it isn’t, why it is important, and why it is for everyone. They also talk about the best gift that we, as men, can give our loved ones.

  8. October 7, 2021

    Tom and Nate talk about the impact that pornography is having on our marriages, kids and culture. He also shares steps that people can take if they want freedom from this addiction.

  9. September 23, 2021

    Nate and Maggie share their story about how God restored their marriage – a marriage that was on the brink of destruction after Maggie found out about the secret life Nate was living.

  10. September 9, 2021

    Tom and Jason discuss how men can learn to embrace their emotions and not run from them, why learning to love ourselves and Christ greatly impacts our ability to love others and more.

  11. July 1, 2021

    Tom and Terry visit about how mentorship can help both today’s youth and adults deal with ‘ACE’s’ (or Adverse Childhood Experiences); and how adopting an attitude of gratefulness can make all the difference in our lives.

  12. June 17, 2021

    Tom and Rick talk about how to map out a course of action so we can accomplish our goals, and what he believes the biggest challenges Christian leaders are facing today and how we can overcome them.

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