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Welcome to RESGEN’s Giving Life Podcast:

Conversations about being a man whose life in Christ gives life to others. 

Giving life – it’s the mission that Jesus came to fulfill and that we, as men, need to embrace as well…at work, at home and in our communities. In our marriages, our parenting and in each relationship we have. We invite you to stop by and listen in on the conversation between Tom and some friends as they chat, laugh and explore ways for each of us to “Give Life” wherever we are.

The Giving Life podcast is available on all your favorite platforms like Apple podcasts, Spotify, Google podcasts, Stitcher and more. Just search for RESGEN or visit Buzzsprout to find and subscribe to the podcast on whichever platform you prefer to receive your content! 


  1. December 14, 2023

    Tom and Justin talk about some of the key questions our culture is asking right now and how Christian men, and the church as a whole, can be at the forefront of answering them.

  2. November 30, 2023

    Tom and Bruce talk about success and how Christian men should both define it, and use it, for the Kingdom. Bruce also shares what led him to surrendering control of his life to Christ.

  3. November 16, 2023

    Dan visits with Tom about what has kept him in the youth ministry game for over 30 years, what students need from men today, and what we can all learn from teenagers.

  4. November 2, 2023

    Jake visits with Tom about how he and his wife, Lisa, saw God’s faithfulness and felt His presence during the difficult journey of losing a child just 85 days after her birth.

  5. October 19, 2023

    Tom and Matt talk about having a spirit of generosity and unpack some of the guidelines Matt has put in place to help him decide how he stewards his time, talent and treasure.

  6. October 5, 2023

    Tom and Jon talk about how setting goals can help us better steward the talents God has given us and how finding the right “fuel” leads to greater goal achievement.

  7. September 21, 2023

    Tom and Ross talk about what it means to make God our CEO and share some simple things we can do in our effort to live out our faith – at work, at home and in the community.

  8. September 7, 2023

    Tom and Nathan discuss life-giving leadership, how our faith should impact the way we lead people and what it means to live a life of affluence.

  9. June 1, 2023

    Tom and Nik talk discuss the role that giving and stewarding our time, talent and treasure plays in our walk with Christ, and we can have a healthier view of money.

  10. May 18, 2023

    Tom and Joe talk about what it means to be a man of virtue and also about how his journey towards sobriety impacted his marriage, his relationship with his kids and his faith.

  11. April 27, 2023

    Tom and Coach Lukens talk about how we can protect our kids from things like burnout, performance anxiety, finding their identity in sports, instead of in Christ and so much more.

  12. April 13, 2023

    Ep.59 Show Notes Joe Evenson is a husband, a father, and the Chief Program officer at Make-A-Wish South Dakota/Montana. He also serves as the chaplain for the…

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